10 Things A Woman Does When She Does Not Love Man

1. She stops caring about the man

No effort from the man will make the woman to care about the man. It means that the affection is dying and the woman does not love the man anymore.

It means she is generally not interested anymore in the relationship. Nothing you do and nothing you say seems to be interesting to her.

2. When she stops to compliment you

One of the first things that attracts people to you is the the physical attraction. When the lady is just new in the relationship, it is common to hear words like, “you are handsome”.

Those words are not supposed to change as the relationship advances but incase you don’t hear more of those compliments, it’s probably that the woman does not love the man anymore.

3. She stops making any effort to make the relationship work
It takes two people to make the relationship work. You will begin to know that a woman no longer loves you when she stops making any extra effort to make the relationship work.
She may not even want to sit down with you and talk over any matter that is affecting the two of you. That means that she is ready to see the relationship end and it is okay with her.
4. Her communication with you becomes ruined
Good communication is what is able to preserve any relationship. Women are generally better communicators than men but the moment the woman becomes comes the bad communicator in the relationship, then something is definitely wrong.
When you notice that your woman has ruined her communication with you, it means she no longer loves. Any woman that loves a man will always long to have that meaningful conversation with him.

5. She makes rush decisions and doesn’t care what you feel

You will begin to notice that your feelings don’t and no longer matter to her anymore.

She will not even consult you concerning anything and just make decisions without caring what you feel about those decisions.

You will also notice that, she doesn’t care whether or not her decisions affect you. That just means the woman does not love you anymore.

6. She does not initiate any conversations with you
Women love to talk and especially when a woman is in love with a man, she becomes more talkative than she really is.

She will want to have a meaningful conversation with you concerning any topic that is of interest to you and she will infact be the initiator of the conversation many at times.

If you are the only one who initiates conversations most of the time, then that is likely to mean that there is a problem in the relationship.

7. She begins to hate being physically intimate with you
She will begin to hate things like kisses and hugs. When she begins hating being physically intimate with you, then the relationship is most likely in its worst state.

8. The woman will stop giving you her attention

This is one thing you will begin to notice, women love attention and will always give attention to the people they love.

The opposite only happens when the woman doesn’t love the man anymore. Infact, to her it will look like you don’t exist.

It means that the woman actually nolo her needs you anymore and her actions are speaking louder than her words.

10. Her love language changes

You will notice that the love language will definitely change when a woman does not love you anymore.
You will no longer hear the many sweet and romantic things she used to say when the relationship was just young and new.

She no longer says the sweet words she used to say in the past, what that means is that the woman no longer loves you anymore.

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