2023: Hon Alile Has Experience, Capacity To Reposition Egor/Ikpoba-Okha

There are many fine potential candidates in the APC. Though, we have heard of the aspirations of other aspirants as rumour. They are all experienced politicians; they all have something to offer Egor/Ikpoba-Okha constituency, which needs a new direction to be able to compete in the Nation’s economic and political system.

The question of who should emerge is simple. It should be the candidate with the experience, determination and Intelligence, proven record and vision for the whole Egor/Ikpoba-Okha; the candidate that can represent the constituency on the world stage, who understands politics, is our preferred candidate. And that candidate is Hon Pius Alile.

Alile stands a better chance because he has over the years, not only being known as a politician, but has also become a brand that is embedded in the minds of Egor/Ikpoba-Okha across all locations.

Pius Alile is not only a statesman but also brand. He has a unique vision for the constituency, a constituency that is powerful, with her people healthy, prosperous, and educated.

Egor/Ikpoba-Okha needs a visionary, a true visionary to guide the country into a better future. Therefore, we need Alile at this point in our history. The Constituency needs to advance rapidly and take a true leadership position in Edo State. This requires a statesman, one who understands statecraft and one who cares about people and the people’s interests.


Lets support and Nominate Hon Pius Alile for House of Representatives, Egor Ikpoba-Okhai federal Constituency

AfemaiReporters Team

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