2023: Kwankwaso Speaks On Forming Alliance With PDP

Ahead of the 2023 general elections, presidential candidate of the New Nigeria People’s Party (NNDP), Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso has assured Nigerians that his party has no plans at all of any alliance with the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

Kwankwaso who made this known during a visit to Ekiti state on Sunday disclosed that the reports is the handiwork of mischief makers who go about during elections saying making lies.

According to him, neither NNDP or himself had thought of forming any alliance with PDP describing the party as one that “grossly lacks clear-cut agenda to launch Nigeria on the path of greatness.”

He said, “I will never return to PDP because I’m now more committed to serving Nigerians under the NNDP as a party that holds the potent solutions to issues of governance deficit bedeviling the country.

“Don’t forget we have candidates across board now in NNPP ahead of the 2023 elections, so you will expect me to leave and join others in the PDP ? It is not going to happen. I was a foundation member of the two major parties and they have nothing to offer again, that is why I left them and I can’t go back”.


Similarly, he urged Nigerians to reject PDP and the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the next year’s general election noting that the duo had governed the country at different times but failed to make effect meaningful socio-economic growth and development.

He added: “NNDP remains the most viable alternative party to replace the two major political parties that had continued to hold the country by jugular for several years.”

Furthermore, he emphasized that NNPP is the “hope of better Nigeria”, and revealed that the party has been experiencing surge in its membership in the last few months since he joined the platform.

“The rising level of insecurity, economic instability, poverty, unemployment, inflation amongst other indicatora were enough reasons for the people to reject ruling APC, adding,” the way we are going now is one way to disaster in the country.”

“We have seen the performance of the APC and PDP and all of us believe that they have failed the country woefully and nobody should expect anything from them again. These people in the two parties have failed and failed woefully, they have nothing to offer.

” Look at the road from Akure to Ado-Ekiti, it is in a very terrible and deplorable situation.You go around any of these cities, Abuja and other areas, you hardly see anything happening, poverty is at the highest level in this country, insecurity also at its peak and we can’t continue like that, because the way we are going now is one way to disaster in the country.

” So, the only way to avert that disaster is for Nigerians to go and sell the ideas of NNPP , which is a progressive party and vote for the party come 2023.”

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