3 Things That Happens To Your Body When You Have Intercourse During Pregnancy

There are a lot of biological changes that go on in a woman’s body anytime she is pregnant. Although pregnancy is good because It can help your baby grow and develop which will keep you both healthy. However, there are lots of controversial issues that are going on about having intercourse during pregnancy.

However, in this article, I will be enlightening you on three medical reasons why a pregnant woman needs to have intimacy. Some of the reasons include the following.

Improved Labor and Recovery Time

No woman wants to suffer a lot of pain during delivery and also no man wants to see his wife cry during labor. However, a woman should experience intercourse during pregnancy to gain its benefits. Orgasms are contractions of your pelvic muscles, which strengthens them, helping to ease labor pains and improving bladder control to avoid leaks or urination during pregnancy. Stronger pelvic muscles can also lead to a quicker recovery after giving birth.

Enhanced Self-Confidence

Some pregnant women do experience low self-esteem and inferiority during pregnancy. However, changes in your body and fluctuating hormones can lead to feeling differently about your body. Many women begin to feel unattractive during pregnancy. Continual intercourse with your partner can help boost your self-esteem and make you feel like yourself again.

It Makes You Active

Anytime you have intimacy with your spouse you are continuously working out and burning calories, which can help lower blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause many different issues during pregnancy (as well as create problems for men and women at any age). After a bedroom session, you may find that you also fall asleep quicker and have a more relaxing night of sleep.

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