Here Is What It Means When A Lady Sees A Thick White Discharge From Her Vagina

A thick white discharge can occur during the period when a woman is on her menstrual cycle and it could start thinking in the days leading to ovulation or release of the egg, then it becomes very thick like mucus when she starts ovulating. This is a normal thing that occurs in women and it is referred to as leukorrhea.

In this article, in line with a publication on Healthline, we will be looking at what the thick discharge in a woman really is, and what causes it. Sight tight and read till the end while you learn something new.

The thick vaginal discharge help in keeping your private organ moist and lubricated. This discharge is influenced by the woman’s reproductive hormones and that’s why it keeps changing throughout the period of her cycle, and pregnancy too.

A woman is likely to experience this in the first days of her menstrual cycle and it is referred to by some people as “egg white” discharge. The milky white discharge is usually thin at this first stage than as a woman comes closer to here period the milky white discharge gets thicker. It could also be a sign that a woman is pregnant as this occurs in women during the early stage of their pregnancy and it is completely normal.

If you are just noticing this vagina discharge, you should not be scared unless for some reason like if it causes itching, produces a fishy smell, or you notice swelling around your private region during this period. At this point, you may need to seek the attention of a medical practitioner like a doctor or a nurse for a better understanding of what you are experiencing so they can give you a piece of advice on how you can manage such a situation

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