Couples Only: 3 Ways To Avoid Pregnancy Without Using Condoms

There are several reasons why couples can decide to avoid getting pregnant, it all depends on the agreement between the partners. Some couples may choose to avoid getting pregnant because they are not ready to be a parent, while some may choose to delay getting pregnant till a particular period.

Some couples also avoid getting pregnant because they feel they’ve had enough kids already. While some couples can also decide to avoid pregnancy because of their financial status. For couples who would want to avoid getting pregnancy, here are three ways you can achieve that without using condoms.

1. Barrier Method

One medically proven way to avoid pregnancy without using condoms is through barrier method. According to researchs and scientists, the barrier method prevent the sperm from getting or reaching the egg. This barrier method include using male condoms, using female condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge, and spermicide.

2. Hormonal Method

According to Medical News Today, on one of her article that was gotten from Google, it was affirmed that the hormonal method of avoiding pregnancy is referred to as stopping ovulation. Ovulations according to research is the release of an egg from women ovaries. Hormonal method of preventing pregnancy does not protect against STIs. Also, most hormonal contraceptives are only available with a prescription from the doctor. Hormonal method of preventing pregnancy includes using contraceptive pills, patches, taking injections, and using vaginal rings.

3. Intrauterine Devices And Implants

Another way by which you can avoid getting pregnant without using condoms is by using intrauterine devices and implants. The intrauterine devices and implants are refered to as long term contraceptive devices. Research made in to known that the intrauterine devices and implants are over 99 percent effective at preventing pregnancy. This is because they are said to give little room for human error. But unfortunately, they also do not protect against STIs. Examples of intrauterine devices and implants include IUDs, and Implants.

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