Adamawa: Fintiri Fires Back At APC, Says, ‘We’ll Show Them How To Run Govt’

Governor Ahmadu Fintiri of Adamawa State has hit back at the opposition All Progressives Congress (APC) which accused the governor of low performance.

“They say I am not commissioning projects but they will shortly see a surplus of projects,” Fintiri said in the Adamawa State capital, Yola, during an interaction with leadership of the state Council of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) and heads of news of the various state-owned news mediums.

He said, “I do not believe in commissioning projects. I am satisfied to just carry out projects and move on, but the opposition say they want to see commissioned projects and they will see them when we begin commissioning the projects later in the month.

“The commissioning of projects across the state begins on May 18 and we have deliberately invited the opposition to be part of the commissioning ceremonies. We want to show them how we run the government.”

DAILY POST recalls that Governor Fintiri was slow in starting to execute projects, such that leaders of opposition APC, comparing Fintiri to immediate past governor, Jibrilla Bindow who was of the APC, were always saying that Fintiri was not doing anything and was therefore not commissioning any projects.

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