Akoko-Edo Rep 2023: The Peddled Lies Against Bankole

By Adumaza Onaivi

Ordinarily, I wouldn’t have taken my time eulogizing certain notorieties in some individuals who’s basic aim is not to face their fledgling aspirations, however, on a second thought, a lie told repeatedly would take the likelihood of truth. So it is on this basis that I am responding on behalf of my principal, Hon Bankole Balogun, who is busy and focusing his attention towards his campaigns for the primary election.

The accusation, which was sponsored by a known non-state actor and political theorist in Akoko-Edo was not only hyperbolic and exuberant drama full of lies from the pit of hell, the fetish gangster ritualist and amoral character assassin and violent conductor tried to ‘harmonize’ what never happened between my principal and the said Christ or Christopher. Never before in human history had my principal, the Oteniete of Igarra Kingdom, granted the aforementioned name any interview through any means. The peddled interview was not only a figment of imagination, but a wholesale lie to affect the mind of the gullible. The words are pure unadulterated rubbish that ought to be dumped immediately in the dustbin of hell. We should not pay much attention to this phantom releases and ill-advised manipulations of our minds.

We are aware of where this lies came from; no less from the known violent smash and grab Akoko-Edo politician that is on his ways to his downfall. Akoko-Edo PDP has no space for such cantankerous characters, the party focused attention is to face the issues affecting the generality of the people.

One would think by now this known violent character should be busy in court and jail defending his record in the state House of Assembly where he shamelessly and recklessly fought the then speaker and others which showed his absolute disregard for the rule of law and order in the name of impeachment, which epitomized his claim to infamy by that singular act. No wonder, his coming to PDP has since been characterized by violence, the orchestration of the beating of elders who are old enough to be his father within the PDP, a shameful act that has no place in Akoko-Edo PDP. No wonder this character was the forerunner of the illegal harmonization in Akoko-Edo that was neutralized by a court of competent jurisdiction in Abuja. It is this same character that orchestrated the locking up of the PDP Secretariat where peaceful LGA meeting was to be held. It is this same character that organized the recent LGA ad hoc parrallel congresses in Akoko-Edo against the constitutional provisions of the Party. Was it not this same individual who single-handedly, under remorseful confession, in a criminal manner fashioned the denial of PDP the electoral victory in the 2015 House of Representives election while he was in APC?

How ironic and sardonic and cynical and shameful this same woeful character thinks after behaving badly, he can come to PDP after all to seek votes from them? What exactly is he and his co-travellers thinking? Do they think Akoko-Edo PDP has forgotten all of these issues? Lest we forget, for over 12 years, he was always using electoral malpractices to defeat PDP in all the elections him and his party members had been involved in. Can the PDP members in Akoko-Edo forget how he shared appointments, rice, goats and cows to only some few of his new PDP members and cornered the rest to himself which pitched him against the Deputy Governor and the Chief of Staff?

Party faithfuls, this primaries and elections are going to be about capacity, popularity, background, education and sound knowledge of the issues Akoko-Edo as a whole is faced with, not about the peddling of untrue and character assassination… we know ourselves. What my principal stands for is the unity of the Party in Akoko-Edo, harnessing the potentials that abound in the LGA through effective representation. I think those should be the focused attention of our delegates in making their nomination choices.

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