Evangelist Lists Sinful Hairstyles & Hair Routines; Includes Wigs, Weavons, Relaxers [VIDEO]

A lot of trending hairstyles and hair routines have caused men and women to sin against…

“Una Go Break Up Soon, Law Of Karma” – Rosy Meurer Surprises Troll That Laid Curse On Her Marriage 

Popular Nollywood actress, Rosy Meurer, reacts unbothered to the curse laid on her marriage to Olakunle…

UK-Based Nigerian Catches Best Friend Sleeping With Wife, Breaks Bed In The Process [VIDEO]

A Nigerian living in the United Kingdom accosted his best friend who was sleeping with his…

6 Helpful Ways to Deal with a Shy Girlfriend or Wife

Being married or romantically engaged to a shy lady can sometimes be exciting, but has its…

One Common Thing You Do That Causes Constant Waist Pain And How To Stop It

Waist pain is a health issue which a lot of people today are dealing with on…

Frequent Urination At Night: This Is What It Means To Your Health

Nocturia, also known as nocturnal polyuria, is the medical word for nighttime urinating. Your body generates…

Women: 3 Habits That Could Make You Contract Certain Infections And Diseases

Some women are not careful of some of the habits that could increase their chances of…

Pregnant Ladies: What You Need To Know About Swelling During Pregnancy And When To See A Doctor

During pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes various changes. These changes prepare her body for the birth…

3 Things A Man Does That Have A Negative Impact On His Private Organ

Certain habits and actions a man does can increase his odds of having irritation or injury,…

2 Reasons For Death During Intimacy

There have been several cases of people dying during intimacy. The act of intercourse can be…