Cancer Prevention And Other Benefits Of Garri

Garri made from cassava tubes and roots contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, iron, Vitamin B and C and also starch that provide amazing benefits including the prevention of cancer.

Prevents cancer

It may be difficult to believe that garri helps in preventing life-threatening diseases such as cancer. The B17 content in cassava leaves helps in stimulating the content of red blood cells, the loss of which often leads to cancer.


Good for eyesight

Garri is rich in Vitamin A and bakarotennya which improves the health of your eyes and prevents future blindness or poor eyesight.


Perfect for diarrhea

Those tales you were told about the healing power and benefits of garri are very true. It addresses conditions such as diarrhea too. Just munch on it or drink with water twice a day to feel the difference.

Good for your digestive system

Garri contains fibres that are not soluble in water. It helps in the absorption of toxins that enter your intestines. In that way, it improves your digestive health and keeps it chugging along nicely.

Suitable for weight watching

Although very starchy, it is also low in calories and the high fibre content in garri helps you stay full for a longer period and has the benefit of stopping binge eating

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