Continuous Kidnappings And Killings In Abuja Not Acceptable, Northern Elders Warn Tinubu

New Scissor Lifts In Katsina : (Take AThe Northern Elders Forum (NEF) has called on President Bola Tinubu’s government and security agencies to take immediate and decisive action to address the insecurity in Abuja and across the country.

This was contained in a statement issued by the Director of Publicity and Advocacy/Spokesperson for NEF, Abdul-Azeez Suleiman.

NEF asserted that the recent development has further exposed the extent of the current state of insecurity plaguing the nation and underscores the helplessness of Nigerians in the face of such dangers.

The forum said the continuous occurrence of kidnappings, killings, armed robberies, and violent attacks, even in the federal capital, is unacceptable.

Part of the statement read: “The Northern Elders Forum recognises that the responsibility to ensure security lies with the government and security agencies. They must step up their efforts to protect the lives and properties of Nigerians.

“The forum urges the government to deploy more security personnel to Abuja and other areas affected by insecurity. Additionally, we call for the provision of adequate resources and equipment to enable the security agencies to effectively combat criminal activities.”

“The Northern Elders Forum stands in solidarity with the families of the victims and the Nigerian people in condemning the recent abductions and violent attacks.

”We recognise the pain and anguish experienced by the affected families and call for justice to be served. The forum insists that the perpetrators of these heinous crimes must be apprehended and brought to justice to serve as a deterrent to others.”

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