Drama, Tension, In Edo State Uni, Ekpoma As Two Acting Registrar Emerged

THERE is confusion and anxiety in the state-owned Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma as two acting registrars emerged in the University, following the expiration of the tenure of the present Registrar of the University, Mr. Chris Adamaigbo, on 27 April 2021.

The conflicting two acting registrars for the University are Barr. Ify Nwabudike and Mr. Eddy Ehiakkhamen, who were both Deputy Registrars before yesterday when they received appointment letters from two different power blocs of the University Administration.

While the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ignatius A. Onimawo personally signed the appointment letter for Mr. Eddy Ehiakhamen, the outgoing Registrar, Mr. Chris Adamaigbo, relying on the consultation and approval of the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council of the University, issued the appointment letter of Barr. Ify Nwabudike as acting Registrar.

Sources in the University revealed that the development is anti-climax of the infighting and struggle for supremacy between the out-going Professor Ignatius A. Onimawo-led University Administration and the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council of the University, Mr. Lawson Omokhodion.

The outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Professor Ignatius A. Onimawo is said to be relying on the influence and powers of the Secretary to the State Government and the Deputy Governor of the state in all his actions, including his current position on the acting Registrar.

The University has a Governing Council but the University has been running abnormally without a functional Governing Council since October last year after the constitution of a Special Visitation Panel to the University. The Governing Council had been encumbered since either to meet as a Governing Council or take policy decisions on the administration of the University.

The University’s Chapter of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) had in a recent memo alerted the Visitor to the University, Mr. Godwin Obaseki, and the Governing Council of an imminent crisis of instability in the administration and management of the University.

The Union had stated in the said memo that the imminent crisis would result from the delay in kick-starting the processes of the appointment of Principal Officers for the University.

ASUU had said in its said memo of January 19, 2021, signed by Dr. M.L Igbafen and Dr. Anthony Coker-Aizebioje, Chairperson and Secretary respectively that:

“The Governing Council should be aware and needs to be reminded that the tenure of the present Vice-Chancellor of the University, Professor I.A. Onimawo expires on May 11, 2021.

“The Governing Council should further be informed that the tenure of the sitting Registrar and Secretary to Council of the University, Mr. Chris Adamaigbo and the University Liberian, Dr. (Mrs.) Jane Aba terminates in April and May this year respectively, while the tenure of the University’s Bursar, Mr. Lawrence Esene had since lapsed and the process which started some months ago for the appointment of a new Bursar is neither aborted nor concluded, in fact, it is in limbo.”

The Union in the memo expressed utter bewilderment that less than four (4) months to the expiration of the tenure of the present Vice-Chancellor, there were no visible or concrete indications to suggest that the preliminary processes, including media/newspaper advertisement for the position, for a new Vice-Chancellor for the University had commenced. The Union added that

“The Governing Council of the University needs to be alerted on the negative consequences inherent in any further delay in kick-starting the processes of the appointment of the Principal Officers of the University whose tenures have expired or are extinguishing, namely the Bursar, the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar and the Librarian.

There is no gainsaying the fact that the delay could lead to a problematic situation where the whole group of Principal Officers of the University would be on acting capacity, given the fact that an Acting Bursar has already been appointed.” The Union views the present crisis in the administration and management of the university as a serious aberration in a University with a Governing Council.

However, the Secretary to the Edo State Government Osarodion Osagie Esq. debunked the claim of brewing crisis or favouritism in the emergence of an acting Registrar when contacted by Trojan.com.ng.

“There’s no substantive Registrar for AAU for the now. The civil service rules simply and naturally applied. The most senior person has been drafted into the position in an acting capacity until a substantive Registrar is appointed”, Ogie said.

The outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Prof Ignatius Onimawo who has barely two weeks to bow out of the office has multiple cases of corruption allegations against him before the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC), raging from arbitrary awards of contracts without success, unilaterally employment of his villages people who are less qualified for the job, over-invoicing, contacts inflation and sundry charges.

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