Edo 2024: Labour Party Crisis Deepens As Allege Thugs Take Over Party Secretariat In Benin

Festus Ovie reporting


All seems not to be well for the Edo Labour Party. Ahead of the Edo 2024 Governorship as thugs allegedly against the leadership in the state invaded and took over the Secretariat armed with various kinds of weapons

The situation generated tension in the area as party members in the Secretariat scampered for safety to avoid being victims of the invasion.

Though the presence of security personnel could not prevent the takeover, the suspended state youth leader, Ken Omusi, declared himself the state Labour Party Chairman.

However, after the takeover, the aggrieved youths of Edo State LP led by the self-acclaimed new chairman, Comrade Ken Omusi, started dancing and jubilating for successfully assuming the party’s leadership at all levels in the state.

According to the former youth leader, they are not happy that over 300 party members have been suspended since January 2024, a situation he described as dangerous for a party preparing for the election.

He also added that the recent primary election conducted in the state did not reflect the wishes of the party members.

Kicking against the action and describing it as barbaric, the state Labour Party woman leader, Pauline Omogbelehan, and other party leaders explained that the former youth leader is no longer a member of the Labour Party following his suspension from the party for anti-party activities and cannot be seen taking over.

Security personnel were still on the ground to further prevent a breakdown of law and order.

However, the whereabouts of the embattled Chairman Kelly Ogbaloi are still being determined as he has refused to pick up his calls.

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