Edo Butchers Alleges Govt Interference As Court Frees Member

BENIN CITY – THERE is unease among butchers in Edo State as some of them are accusing the state government of undue interference and politicization of the issues at stake about their welfare.

This is as an Edo State High Court granted bail to one of the butchers, Sunny Omokaro who had been remanded in prison by the court over alleged possession of firearms.


However, Omokaro who said he is a member of the state vigilante and a private operator said what transpired was that he acted in self defense when over 30 men invaded his abattoir and fired shots into the air.

He said he was stunned upon arrival at the scene while returning from his vigilante duty at the time and having his gun with him that he also fired shots into the air in response to the alleged attack and soon after alerted the Divisional Police Officer in charge of the New Benin Division.

He said “Though we ended up at the station thereafter, I was surprised that of both parties, I was the only one kept at the station, before being taken to the State Police Headquarters where I was detained and without any investigation, I was charged to court where I was granted bail”, Omokaro explained.

He added that “I am aware that the Edo State government has a vested interest in this matter and the government called for the matter to be charged to court. Though I do not know why, I have contacted my lawyers on my next line of action.

“I am fighting for justice and will not rest until we get justice


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