Edo: Tragedy As 3 Police Officials Dead For Taking Money, Phones Belonging To River Goddess During Yahoo Boys Accident At Ogbona

The accident involving the yahoo boys during the Easter period shocked the community of Ogbona in Edo state. It was a horrific incident that resulted in the loss of l lives and the destruction of the vehicle beyond repair. The remaining yahoo boys were fortunate enough to survive the accident, although they sustained injuries and had to be rushed to the hospital for treatment. It is worth noting that one of the injured individuals was the son of a popular musician, Kazeem Waziri, which further drew attention to the incident.

When the injured yahoo boys were discharged from the hospital, they sought to recover their belongings, including their phones and money. However, to their dismay, the police informed them that no such items were found at the accident scene. Feeling frustrated and desperate, the yahoo boys returned to the (Ise) which is the river goddess, to seek assistance in locating the people who they believed had stolen their money.

Last week, a police constable named Paul tragically lost his life in a bike accident after colliding with a dog. His body was immediately taken to the mortuary for proper handling. Unfortunately, on the day Paul was laid to rest, another police officer fell ill and was rushed to the hospital, where he ultimately passed away. The police was still mourning this unfortunate event when news of yet another tragedy struck. A female constable named Orobosa lost her life while attempting to open a door for the Divisional Police Officer (DPO). Her body on friday was transported to Benin, the capital city of Edo state.

The consecutive deaths within the police force have invoked concern and fear within the community. The elders of Ogbona community held a meeting to discuss the matter and consulted their ancestral gods for guidance. The gods revealed that anyone who had come into contact with the stolen money should confess their actions to prevent further loss of life.

In the face of these distressing events, the police force has called for prayers and unity within the community. They believe that collective efforts and spirituality can provide some solace during these trying times. It is essential for everyone to come together and support one another, not only in grieving the loss of loved ones but also in finding solutions to prevent further tragedies. Only with the combined strength and determination of the community can they hope to overcome these dark times.


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