Etsako East APC Congratulates LGA Woman Leader On Her Birthday

On behalf of the All Progressive Congress (APC) Etsako East Local Government Chairman Hon. Peter .BU. Okponokhe and his executives, has sends congratulatory message to Etsako East LGA woman leader Hon. Margaret Ichibor

Margaret Ichibor’s unwavering support and unrelenting guidance that helped in leading our path Etsako East to success cannot be overemphasized,

You are being honored with much appreciation and gratitude, and this is the best time to let you know how important you’re to us in Etsako East, Etsako East publicity Abdulrasak Idodo noted.

The Etsako East APC thanked Margret for her exceptional work and paramount dedication throughout the years, especially that of the September 19th, 2020 gubernatorial elections

Your generosity has been instrumental in making a difference. For this, we humbly say, thank you, Idodo added.

We appreciate Almighty God who have always see you through this phase of life. Many will tell you its nothing, but i will tell you it worth thanking God.

Not many people have a story of their own to tell. You have a story of your own and there are so many others to tell it over and over again. You worked hard for everything you have passion for, and now the result is here as woman leader.

Congratulations on this auspicious day in your life, you deserve every bit of celebration. You have made us proud.

May the good Lord continue to prolong your days both now and forever, Amen

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