‘FG’s Refusal To Declare Armed Fulani Herdsmen ‘Terrorists’ Encourages killings In Benue, Other States’

The Middle Belt Movement for Justice and Peace, MBMJP, has lamented that the circle of killings being perpetrated by armed herdsmen militia in Benue, Kaduna and other states of the federation is festering because the federal government refused to tag the armed herders as terrorists.

The MBMJP insisted that if the federal government wants to put an end to the armed herdsmen induced crisis in parts of the country the federal government should stop treating the matter with kid gloves and take decisive action to end the killings by immediately declaring armed herdsmen as terrorists.

The Convener of the MBMJP, Comrade Joe Bukka who spoke weekend while reacting to the circle of violence and killings in parts of Kaduna state urged the federal government to mete the same treatment accorded the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, to armed Fulani herdsmen.

“This government should exhibit honesty and sincerity in tackling the issue of armed herdsmen in this country, because we cannot continue like this.

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“Armed herdsmen are turning parts of the country into a huge killing field particularly in Benue and Kaduna as well as several other states in the country and the federation has adamantly refused to speak to them in the language they will understand.

“The Global Terrorism Index rates the Fulani militia group as the fourth deadliest terrorist organisation in the world; so our question is why is the federal government refusing to tag them a terrorist organization like it did to IPOB and deal decisively with them?

“It is unfortunate that we are being taken through this path by a government that seem to be exhibiting double standards in tackling the security challenge facing the country and until there is sincerity of purpose on the part of the government which should start by declaring armed Fulani militia a terrorist organization, the circle of violence, sacking of communities and killings will fester.

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