Here Are The 3 Worst Things Any Man Can Say To The Woman He Loves

Be supportive and kind with your words, even when you are absolutely pissed off.

If you love anyone in the true sense of it, you will nurture them and always hope for their growth. You will be supportive and kind with your words and nice and affectionate with them at all times.


Even at your angriest and when they rile you up the worst, you still watch how you speak to them simply out of respect.

If you are in love with a woman, here are the three things you will hardly ever say to them:

1. Talk about their weight in hurtful ways
Rule of thumb: if she asks whether she is fat or not, the default response is a no. And it is not a joke. Unless she says it’s cool to say so, then you can.

Even at that, weight is one of the things people are most sensitive about and the effect of a carelessly made comment, or worse, one aimed at being hurtful, can be really, really far- reaching.

Be nice and kind with your words to your partner at all times, even when you have to address issues as unhealthy lifestyle and bad eating habits.


2. Dismiss their concerns with harsh words
Words such as “you’re not my mum” could pour cold water on your girl’s desire to care for you as many women in love are wont to do.

“It’s common to say this when someone is feeling as if their partner is being too nurturing, overprotective, or controlling,” says Lori Bizzooo, a relationship expert.

“But the last person your partner wants to be compared to is your parent. Their feelings will likely be hurt, especially if they have good intentions.”

Before you let those words slip out, “try letting them know what you prefer they not do rather than making them feel like they’re coming on too strong.”

3. Unsupportive words
Anyone and everyone can be supportive of you, but it slaps different when people you really care about say it.

Everyone could be proud of you, but you know you desire someone’s approval and validation more than that of others. The same rule applies to your woman. She is doing what she is doing for herself, and yeah she could be proud of her journey and how much she has overcome to get where she is now; but you really have to say it too.

Let her know you are just as proud and supportive of what she’s done with her life so far.

The worst thing you can do is downplay her successes and/or make it feel like she’s not done anything special. Even when the victory is little, gas her the hell up and cheer her on.

Don’t be a wet towel. Don’t be a horrible boyfriend

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