How I Was Traumatized For Years Due To My Facial Scar – Actress Sonia Ogiri

Nollywood actress, Sonia Ogiri, has spoken out about her battle with a facial scar that troubled her psychologically for years.

The US-based actress who recently underwent cosmetic surgery to cover the scar said the mark on her face made her lose confidence and led to nights of endless tears.

On Saturday, via an Instagram post titled, “My Scar, My Pain”, the actress detailed her experience looking for jobs and relating with people while dealing with the traumatising effects of the scar.

She wrote, “It all started 2014. I have lived with this total stranger called scar since 2014, and ever since then, I have lost all confidence even with the least things. I remember when I decided to settle in the USA, looking for a job was traumatising because I would relate every rejection to the scar on my face.

“Close friends in the movie industry all knew when it happened. I totally lost it. Nights I would cry endlessly, and how I tagged myself as ugly because it’s my face we talking about. Days I would feel like ending it all because I refused to accept my reality.”

The actress claimed that despite not being the “make up kind of person”, she had to start wearing cosmetics to cover up the scar temporarily.

Ogiri also noted how her mother constantly lamented the scar that became a “permanent identity”. In response, the actress said she tried to pacify her by promising to have the scar taken off.

“Honestly, I know that’s not possible but at least let me try one more time; hence my first try was in Nigeria in 2014. I’m putting out my pain to help someone else. Some of us have a scar we battling with; it could be anything, but trust me, you will overcome,” she admonished.

Asking fans to wish her luck, Ogiri also revealed that she had two weeks to see the results of the surgery.


The mother-of-one also thanked her friends and family, who loved her regardless of the said scar.

“For some that always tell me ‘I love your tribal mark’, you hurt my feelings but never took it to heart. I can’t wait to see my results, guys,” she wrote

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