How Not To Wish Christians A Happy Easter

Even though Easter Sunday has come and gone, we are sharing how not to wish Christians a Happy Easter.

We show respect for other people’s religion when we don’t make fun of them or take the things they do and say sacredly with levity.

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Don’t say/do things like:

Making Easter about eggs

The tradition of egg hunting came from a pagan tradition of Eostre, and eggs were supposed to be a form of an ode to fertility and rebirth. Easter for Christians is about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, not eggs.


Using Jesus Christ to make weird puns for the company’s Easter messages
Public relations and the communications team try to come up with catchy one-liners using Jesus as a pun. It’s not necessary; just wish them a happy Easter and move on.

This Easter, Nigerian Police Force’s PR included snapshots of a few police officers in their Easter banner for this year, that wasn’t tasteful.

Saying ‘Christ has arose, arisen

If you are going to wish Christians a happy Easter, the best way is to say, Christ is risen not ‘Christ has arose’, it’s just bad English.

Saying ‘Happy Esther

It sounds like a joke, but it’s not ‘Happy Esther’. I used to hear that a lot of that growing up, especially among the uneducated, there’s no reason an educated person should say that

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