Imo Prison Break: Biafra Group Hints On Reasons For Attack On Police Facility

Biafra Nations League, BNL has said that gunmen attacking police stations, officers and prisons may be an expression of anger over the killing, harassment and extortion by security personnel across the country.

The group said this while flaying the Inspector General of Police, IGP Mohammed Adamu for concluding that members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB and the Eastern Security Network, ESN carried out the attack in Owerri, Imo State.

The Deputy National Leader of BNL, Ebuta Akor Takon made this known in Ikom, Cross River State on Monday, adding that “the IGP concluded without an investigation.

”Guesswork does not show professionalism” he said.

The BNL wondered why the IGP has never fingered Fulani herdsmen especially in the recent attacks in Ebonyi State.

BNL said that “gunmen who are attacking officers and prisons might be expressing their anger in retaliation of the killings, harassments and extortion by the security agencies.”

The BNL warned of the daring consequences if any pro-Biafra agitators are touched by the government security agencies irrespective of group affiliations.

It said, “the police will end up arresting innocent people and not the gunmen warning that such actions have repercussions.”

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