JUST IN: Army Arrests 7 Boko Haram Logistics Suppliers [PHOTOS]

Troops of 195 Battalion of Operation Hadin Kai in the North-East, have arrested seven Boko Haram logistics suppliers on the outskirts of Maiduguri, the Borno State capital.

The all-female suppliers include; Hadiza Ali, Kelo Abba, Mariam Aji, Kamsilum Ali, Ngubdo Modu and Abiso Lawan, among others.

One thought on “JUST IN: Army Arrests 7 Boko Haram Logistics Suppliers [PHOTOS]

  1. There is so much hope for Nigeria if the security personnel as so reported, they should work on the trust line. There are reality on ground so much reported captors of terrorists and killers of innocent lives and at the end not long are back on the streets and neighborhood.

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