Men Reveal The Qualities They Look For When Choosing A ‘Side Chick’ [LIST]

Cheating husbands across the world have revealed just what they are looking for in a potential mistress and the revelations are shocking.

While previous research has found that ‘slimmer’ women were desirable, modern men are now attracted to a curvier physique when it comes to selecting their affair partner.

More than 40 per cent of 5,000 cheating men who took part in a recent survey said this was now their physical preference when seeking a mistress.

While a more curvaceous woman gets the tick from cheaters, she also has to be a woman who ‘takes care of her appearance’.

Nearly 30 per cent of men admitted they’d prefer their mistress to keep fit and a similar number also said their preference was for women who were ‘elegant and stylish’.

Long hair has increased in importance too, as well as ‘beautiful eyes’, taller ladies and ‘petite’ women.

While the survey revealed that 70 per cent of unfaithful men agreed that physical appearance outweighed personality, personal attributes are also considered important.

Topping this list was a sense of humour with 67.6 per cent of respondents saying a ‘funny woman’ ranked highly.

Kindness was also considered an important attribute and more than 50 per cent said they considered an adventurous spirit important.

Youth was also a highly ranked attribute for 45 per cent of men.

Intelligence was only considered important by a third of respondents, and an ‘impulsive woman‘ rated just 22.5 per cent.

Maturity and generosity barely rated above five per cent.

We all like healthy and fit people when dating, especially if the aim of the date is to find an extra-marital affair.
These results show exactly how men’s physical preferences are now different and all types of women are represented in the survey.”

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