My Husband Not A Bush Fulani, He’s Civilised – Atiku’s Wife

Titi Atiku Abubakar, wife of the presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, has stated that Nigerians should not fidget on her husband, Atiku Abubakar, becoming the president due to his tribe.

According to Titi, her husband is a civilised Fulani man, not the ones that stay in the bush.

She stated this on Wednesday during the campaign rally of the party held at the Democracy Park in Ondo State.

“When Atiku becomes the president, Nigeria will definitely be better than what it is now.

“We won the last election, but we were rigged at the polls. Truly Atiku is a Fulani but he is not a bush Fulani but a civilised one. I have been with him for over 40 years.”

“During Obasanjo era, Atiku gathered the best brains for the administration. To all Yorubas, Atiku is for you and he will develop the country.

“When I become the first lady, I will take care of the youths and children. Scholarships will be given. Votes for Atiku because he knows the way. There is hunger in the land.”

Meanwhile, Atiku, urged Nigerians not to repeat the mistake of 2019 when they voted the ruling All Progressives Congress into power.

Atiku said “We started our campaign rally in Ondo State as the first state in the Southwest because of the support you gave us in 2023.

“We will make all the federal roads motorable. We will set aside enough money for the youths for jobs. In our policy document, we set aside $10billion dollars for youths. We must empower them.

“We will provide funds for universities, not what APC is doing. No one wants the repeat of APC again in Nigeria.”

One thought on “My Husband Not A Bush Fulani, He’s Civilised – Atiku’s Wife

  1. Your civilized husband hasn’t been able to tell world why he deleted that tweet of Deborah. A civilized person wouldn’t delete such tweet.

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