Pandemonium As Angry Protesters Block Abuja Airport Road, Demand Buhari’s Resignation [PHOTOS]

Angry Nigerians on Friday morning took to the streets in Abuja to protest against the anti people policies of President Muhammadu Buhari led regime.

The placards carrying protesters set bonfire on Dantata bridge along Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport road chanting “Buhari Must Go.”

The protesters condemned the increase in the prizes of the staple foods couple with the frightening tale of growing menace of insecurity in the country.

The also called for the resignation of the president over his incompetence which they said has brought untold hardship and agony on Nigerians.

Meanwhile a detachment of anti riot policemen have dispersed the with teargas canisters and cleared the road.

Some protesters were said to be arrested after chasing them
into the bush

See pictures below

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