SEE How A Taxi Driver Aided In The Arrest Of Four Girls With Human Heads In Lagos

In Nigeria, the incidence of ritual killings, particularly among youngsters, has been in the spotlight, and the worrying scenario has prompted severe worries in the country. While reporting and reacting to one of the acts, news of another occurs across the country. The horrible scenario affects a large number of states across the country.

In recent ritual killings, young males have been killing girls for money. However, it appears that the females have gotten involved as well. The first ladies were supposedly caught carrying human heads, maybe as a form of retaliation.

According to a reliable source, a group of adolescent ladies from a Lagos State secondary school were captured with human heads in their school bags, supposedly for ritual purposes. A taxi driver reportedly found the four adolescent females and transported them in his vehicle.

When the taxi driver noticed a foul odor in his vehicle, he alerted the girls, who were then taken to their school and handed over to their gatekeeper, who discovered the human head while searching their baggage. The police were informed of the issue, and the four adolescent girls were arrested, according to reports.

What will four adolescent girls be doing with human heads in their luggage if certain people have suddenly gotten too evil and desperate? In Nigeria, the problem of ritual killings has escalated to the point where immediate action is required. According to recent reports, the House of Representatives has requested that the federal government declare a national emergency on ritual killings in the country.

Given the severity of the problem, I believe the federal government should act quickly and charge the country’ s various security services to coordinate and combat the wicked trend of ritual killings. Furthermore, parents must take their responsibilities seriously by ensuring that they are informed about their children’ s activities.

The matter is not only humiliating for the government, but it also casts a negative light on the country in international circles.

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