Shocker: Woman Narrates How Her Elder Sister Made Her Blind Because A Wealthy Man Wanted To Marry Her [VIDEO]

A visually impaired Ghanaian woman has shared a chilling account of how she lost her sight.

Portia Ama who lives in a small village in the Central Region, insinuated that her sister ”bewitched;; her out of jealousy because a rich man expressed interest in marrying her when she was just 13-years-old.

Ama alleged that her sister was an idol worshipper and continuously chanted her name upon hearing the news. She also claimed that her elder sister who was bent on ruining her chances of ever getting married to the rich man, did everything within her means until her desire came to pass.

She told D.J Nyame of SVTV;

“I was staying with my elder sister and about 13 at the time. When the man promised to marry me, my sister started chanting my name anywhere she went. She was an idol worshipper. The next thing I knew, I became visually impaired. We went to pastors but no one could heal me.”

Ama lamented how she now lives a solitary life and struggles to survive whilst her sisters are married and live with their husbands.

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