Single Parenthood: The Challenges And How To Overcome Them

Taking care of a child alone is not an easy feat.

Single parenthood is not easy but it can be rewarding [Theconversation]
Parenthood can be delightful, but taking care of the baby without financial, physical or emotional support can be difficult.


Single parenthood could be as a result of choice or chance for example death, divorce, separation, surrogacy, and unplanned pregnancy.


One major challenge a single parent – either mother or father – will face is loneliness.

Academic authors, Sandefur, Melanahan, and Wojtkiewies, write “the challenges faced by single parents are far greater in number than those faced by both parents.”

“The single parent plays the role of both mother and father, they might feel overwhelmed by the load of responsibilities that is on their shoulders.”

“While in a two-parent family there is always someone to turn to but for the single parent, this option does not exist”

Single parenthood can also influence the chance of meeting prospective partners.

Some people might not be inclined to be in a relationship or marriage with single parents because of the presence of the child.

Also, choosing a partner that loves the child is important.

How to have little victories
Single parenthood has it’s triumphs because some marriages and relationships are too toxic and would even make you feel lonelier.

Being with a partner who is a drunkard or is physically, sexually or emotionally abusive is not an option. It is much better to raise the child alone. The child will not have to witness nasty fights and arguments.

Secondly, the presence of an extended family like grandparents can make the process easier. As it is said, it takes a village to raise a child. The child can receive love from them and not feel inadequate.

Most times, the responsibilities of taking care of the child will fall on the extended family especially when the parents were young when the child is born.

Education and financial independence reduces the negative effects of single parenthood because it improves the social and financial standing of women and they are able to cater for the child.

When poverty is out of the question, the child will not be exposed to so many vices.When women have a means of support financially then raising the child is easier.

Lastly, single parents can still find love while providing love for their child, all hope is never lost.

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