The 36 Governors Are Nigeria’s Problem — Clark

Elder statesman and the leader of the Pan Niger Delta Forum, PANDEF, Chief Edwin Clark, has said the 36 states governors are Nigeria’s problem, arguing that wanting to be in the good books of President Muhammadu Buhari has blinded them to their rights.

Clark also called for restructuring of the country before the 2023 general election, warning that without restructuring Nigeria first, the outcome of the elections would have no (positive) impact on Nigerians.


Chief Clark made the declarations in an interview with Arise TV, where he also bemoaned the level of insecurity in the country, saying there is “no guarantee for safety during the elections.”

Accusing the state governors of compounding the country’s woes, Cark said: “These governors want to be in the good books of the President and as such don’t know their rights.

“Our 36 state governors are our problem. This is because they don’t know their right. They only want to protect themselves.

“Terrorists are bombing their states and they are running around Buhari in Abuja to collect money,” he said.

“Restructure Nigeria so we can all be equal. A situation where governors will go to Abuja to collect money and leave their people to suffer would cease to happen,” Clark said.

Chief Edwin Clark recalled that “APC promised restructuring in its 2015 manifesto but disbanded it when it came to power in 2015.”

He said, “because of the pressure from Nigerians, APC appointed a brilliant governor, el-Rufai (Kaduna State) and others including ex-APC chairman John Oyegun who went round and came up with a report but it was not implemented.”

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