The Time Is Now: Quality Representation And Rural Transformation Of Esan Southeast (1)

Osehobo Victor Ofure

Many of us see legislative representation as that ability to make a lofty speech after being recognized by the presiding officer in the hallowed chambers. This is after indicating an intention to move a motion or speak for or against a motion on the floor of the legislature. But this is a wrong perception of legislative representation.

Qualitative legislative representation is, decisively, about proper connection with the people you represent, supporting policies and programs that are life-changing in association with the executive arm of government, for their benefits.

It is an opportunity to serve and to contribute one’s quota to the all-round development of the inhabitants in a constituency. The constituency at large are big winners if they have a quality representative. This is because it is hard for the electorate in our clime, to find worthy men and women of virtue, offering themselves to serve and represent their interests.

The reality is that the political class is replete with political figures who see politics as a means to an end: to have access to the public treasury, acquire wealth and boost public status.

In 2023, the representative of Esan South East in the Edo State Assembly, is already standing up to be counted, beyond all reasonable doubts. He is the Senatorial Youth leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC in our State, Otoagua Amahdin Amos Cole.

The people of Esan South East are up for a new song and a new narrative. We deserve infrastructure cum socioeconomic growth and development. This can only come if we have a qualified and quality representative like Amos Cole : a man with vision and plan for Esan Southeast people. A man whose time has come.

The dividends of quality legislative representation can finally begin to come to the doorsteps of our people. This will require well-thought-out initiatives by our representative in consultation with the constituency. Amos Cole has what it takes with his initiative of Rural transformation of his constituency.

There is great value in a legislator that the people can truly call their own. It is most heartening to know and realize that Esan South East has politicians of the status of Amos Cole: young, dynamic, purpose driven, determined, forward looking and God-fearing.

The women can expect true representation. Youths and children as well as Men, the old; farmers, traders, and the indigent can be hopeful that their voices will be
heard. Communities can expect a turnaround in their safety because they will have a listening ear who will take up their case. (To be continued).

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