Tinubu Posseses Qualities To Fix Nigeria, Says SABAT

Senator Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu (SABAT) support group in Kwara State has said former the Lagos Governor possesses the magic wand to transform Nigeria if elected president in 2023.

SABAT said it has commenced public sensitisation of residents on the major transformation that Nigeria will witness if the All Peoples Congress (APC) National Leader, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu wins the presidential elections in 2023.

The public sensitisation programme was launched after the meeting of the group in Ilorin, the state capital.

The sensitisation programme of the group is expected to involve advocacy visitations to political leaders, prominent and influential individuals within the State as well as house to house and person-to-person discussions as a way of mobilizing support for the APC leader.

Kwara SABAT Director Wole Alawode urged the members to remain steadfast and committed in their support for Tinubu.

He expressed confidence that if Tinubu becomes the president, the country would undergo remarkable transformation and improvement in the various sectors critical to national development.

He reminded the members of the lasting legacies of Tinubu when he governed Lagos, saying that he will perform greater feats if elected to govern Nigeria.

“Tinubu put systems in place in Lagos, and that has been working perfectly well for Lagos. I believe what our leaders said that he will put an end to excuses in government and restore excuses with performance.

“We need systems that work in Nigeria and we need a leader who understands the complexities of national development, Asiwaju is our best option at this material time,” he stressed.

Alawode urged all members to carry the message of Asiwaju progressive leadership and good plans for the nation to all households and every political groups and circles within the state. He urged all those who are yet to obtain voter’s card to do so without delay.

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