Tragedy As Wheelbarrow Pusher Commits Súicídê After Kíllíñg Tax Collector In Benin

A yet-to-be identified wheelbarrow pusher has reportedly committed suicide after killing a tax collector in Oredo Local government Area of Edo State.

On Friday morning tragedy occurred on Mission road in the Council Area of the State, caused pandemonium among residents and shop owners and hawkers.

Reports indoctrinated that after the revenue collector in the Council, kicked the wheelbarrow containing bags which fell by the road side over failure by later to meet his obligation from a warehouse the locality.

This followed alleged refusal by the wheelbarrow pusher to remit N50.00 daily ticket to him without a sufficient explanation, according to sources.

The disagreement resulted in verbal exchange between the revenue collector and wheelbarrow pusher who removed his knife he strapped to his waist and stabbed him.

Attempts by some witnesses who cringed over the bizarre incident to pounce on the wheelbarrow pusher for ripping off the intestine of the Council worker who was left in the pool of his own blood.

But the move was resisted by the migrant worker who waited for his victim to die, thereafter stabbed himself on his neck apparently in a bid to avoid a mob action, before he gave up the ghost.

TheNewspad reports that operatives of the Nigeria Police, Oba market Division have evacuated the bodies of the deceased and kept them in a morgue for preservation.

Contacted in a phone interview, the spokesman for the Nigeria police Command in Edo State, SP. Chidi Nwabuzor said he is “somewhere he can’t speak”.

Protesting revenue collectors around the area have temporarily withdrawn their services
until their safety concerns are reassured by the government.

A cab driver who spoke on condition of anonymity, lamented what he termed “human rights violation by some overzealous revenue collectors” in Benin Metropolis.

“His approach was very wrong. But, nothing justifies murder. The economic hardship is too much. Nobody is knew that the wheelbarrow pusher had a long knife on his waist.

“When he brought out the long knife, we were surprised. Immediately he stabbed the man, he jumped and fell down and died immediately.

“Some people around wanted to hold him. But, the wheelbarrow pusher became very wild and said that he will kill anybody come close.

“We were surprised when he used the same knife he used on killing the guy and stabbed himself on his neck with the same knife. He fell and also died”, he said.

Source : Felix Eigbefo

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