Why Tambuwal Is PDP’s Best Presidential Candidate —Shagari

Alhaji Mukhtar Shagari, a founding member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), former deputy governor of Sokoto State and ex-Minister of Water Resources, who is one of the major stakeholders in the state, recently spoke with journalists, including OLAKUNLE MARUF, on why the party urged the state governor, Aminu Waziri Tambuwal, to begin consultations to run for the office of the president in 2023 general election.


What prompted PDP stakeholders in Sokoto State to encourage Governor Tambuwal to begin consultations for the office of the president?



First and foremost, Governor Tambuwal, as a Nigerian, is very qualified to aspire to become the president of the country. The constitution of the country permits him or any Nigerian to seek for any political office in the country.

The stakeholders in Sokoto State, having looked at the political situation in the country, believe strongly that Tambuwal has the capability to reposition the country, when you look at his achievements as Speaker of the Federal House of Representatives and governor in Sokoto State, in the provision of dividends of democracy, in terms of how to deal with issues and his expertise as a lawyer, among others.

Also, look at his ability to make friends across the country and his abiding spirit in the unity of the country and the fact that Nigeria must be given a better leader. That really encouraged the stakeholders in the state to say that we believe he can make it and he has what it takes to be president. That is why we called on him that he has our support and asked him to go and consult with other important Nigerians about his aspiration, seek their support and blessings. We decided that we will give him all the necessary support that he needs to become the president.



Before the stakeholders took the decision, did you take into consideration the zoning agitations, especially from the southern part of the country?

I actually don’t know about any written agreement over zoning of presidency, but what I know is that the constitution of the country has given the right to every Nigerian who wants to be the president of the country to aspire for it.

If we are talking of rotational presidency, it is an arrangement to be made by the political parties. So far, our party, the PDP has not come out to say it has zoned the presidency to any part of this country. When we get to the river we will cross it.

At the moment, it does not matter where you come from. Whether you are Hausa, Igbo, Fulani, or Yoruba, whatever the tribe or religion you subscribe to, you have the right to become the president of the country. What is important is competence. What is important is love for this country. What is important is believing in a united and strong Nigeria. Anyone from any part of this country that is confident enough and competent to clear the rot of this country is welcome.


It is being said that there has been an unwritten agreement since the return of democracy. Now that you are talking about competence, is your position not different from those in the South?

Let’s look at it this way: if someone is not competent to lead Nigeria and because of zoning or what have you, you make such person the president with his incompetence, is that the kind of country you want? Are you saying unity of the country is not important in this present Nigeria? Or that no matter his incompetence, the moment he comes from one particular part of Nigeria, he must be the president? That is not my wish for the country.


You alongside the governor have been to almost all parts of North-West for consultation. What were the responses of those you consulted so far?

I am sure you, as members of the press, know better in respect of the kind of reception he has been getting in all the places he visited. The crowd has been massive so far. Nigerians have the right to choose the president they want. It doesn’t matter where the party is going to zone the presidency. If the party zones the president to the South, there will be people in the South who will not vote for the southern president. If they zone it to the North, there will be people in the North who will not vote for a Northern president. I think it is time we talked about competence, about integrity, about the unity of this country. We must talk about those [people] who will bring us together.


As a former deputy governor and aspirant for the Sokoto governorship, do you plan to contest in 2023?

First and foremost, the governor of Sokoto State, Aminu Tambuwal, produced by my party, is still the governor. I will want that after he finishes his term, another competent person from our party takes over to continue the good work PDP government is doing for the people of Sokoto State.

As for me, there have been speculations on the radio and social media, people putting a lot of things in the media in my respect. But when the time is right to come out, I will take a decision on what to do.


Can we assume that you are also doing consultations?

I am not doing consultations yet, but I have listened to people calling on me to come out and contest. I have listened to so many radio programmes. I have also seen in the media that my photographs are all over the place, because people believe that I can move this state forward by continuing from where Governor Tambuwal might have stopped. But, I am saying that when the time comes, we shall all see.

You have very intimidating credentials as a former attorney-general, minister of the federal republic and deputy governor. People believe that with your credentials, you don’t need anyone to call on you that you can just declare your interest.

As a former attorney-general, deputy governor and former president of African Ministers’ Council on Water, what I am saying is that I have been listening to people calling me to come out and contest. I have also listened to radio [programmes] where people were talking about my capabilities.

But all I am saying is when the time comes for aspirants to come out and show interest on who is going to be the standard-bearer of the PDP in Sokoto State, you will hear from me.


As someone who plays politics without bitterness, what is your relationship with your former boss and friend, Aliyu Wamakko, now that you are not in same party?

I became friend with Aliyu Wamakko when I was to contest the governorship of this state and we still remain friends and brothers. As of the time I accepted to run a joint ticket with him, I knew I was running along with a friend. We are still friends; we talk to each other; we joke as we used to do; we call each other and if there is anything whether it is good or bad, we stand by each other. So, my relationship with him is completely different from a political relationship. I have never ever said anything bad about him and he has never ever said anything bad about me. In fact, we don’t even allow people to say bad about anyone of us.

So, our relationship is still wonderful. We are not only friends, but very close one. Politics cannot separate us. Political relationship is different from personal relationship and we have been doing that without any problem.


As a politician, you have remained in PDP since 1999. Can you tell us why exactly you believe in that particular party?

First of all, PDP is a party that was put together by the most respected people in Nigeria. It is a party that was built on national unity, on the progress of this nation, respect for each other and the rule of law.

I became attached because I believe in the ideology of the party. I have absolute confidence in the people who put PDP together, because these are the people who believe in the unity of Nigeria. PDP has one advantage:  in government, it has done what any political party has never done in the history of Nigeria in terms of infrastructure, bringing Nigerians together and giving the dividends of democracy to the people.

As for me, I believe in the unity of this country and I can serve the people of the country without allowing my personal interest to becloud my mission. I was given the opportunity to serve as a minister of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for two terms.

My landmark projects both at the rural and at the urban levels, with construction of dams to provide water for the people of these country, are still there. I think I did wonderfully well to the extent that the president gave me special recognition for my service to my nation.

After that, I contested to become governor of Sokoto State. I won the primary, but by intervention of the party leaders, Wamakko came on board and I handed over the ticket to him on the request of my party and my leaders. We both served Sokoto State for eight years and our landmark achievements are there for everyone to see. I served Sokoto State as deputy governor for eight years.

I believe in politics of principle, politics of integrity and also politics of doing what you promised to do. The PDP has given me every opportunity that everyone will wish to have as a politician. Why will I leave such a party and go elsewhere? I don’t believe in the ideology of any other political party apart from PDP. I am a founding member of the PDP and I will remain a member of the party, no matter what happens or whatever the situation may be. And I believe very soon in this country, the PDP will come back to power and continue the good work we were truncated from doing in 2015. Nigerians have now seen the difference and it is up to them to decide in 2023. But, I know they will decide in favour of candidates of the PDP in the presidential election, governorship and other elections in Sokoto State, including House of Representatives, House of Assembly and others. I am a member of the PDP and I believe in it wholeheartedly and I will continue to believe.


Whoever is coming to the office as the next president will have insecurity as a major issue. As a stakeholder, how did we get to this level?

Well, I think the question should rather go to the All Progressives Congress (APC) and its government and not me. Remember they told Nigerians that PDP has not been able to provide security and that should they be voted in, they would end insecurity within a short period of time. I ask you now, where are we?

I believe you should rather ask them, but when we get back to power, I can assure you that we will do whatever we need to do, without lying to Nigerians and make sure that this country is secured for the people and nation to move forward.

Why Tambuwal is PDP’s best presidential candidate —Shagari

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