Yul Edochie Blames Ritual Killings On Poverty, Not Nollywood

Nollywood actor, Yul Edochie, has blamed ritual killings and suicide on extreme poverty and not Nollywood movies.

Edochie, defending, said Nollywood movies only reflect on what’s happening in society and not preach ritual killing.

He urged that the government should fix why Nigerians opt for ritual killings and suicide.

Yul said: “From when I was a kid in the eighties, I started hearing about ritual killings in Nigeria. There was no Nollywood. Hunger and poverty make people commit crimes. No, be Nollywood cause am, Nollywood is only showing what happens in the society”.

Going further, Yul stated: “Nigerians are wallowing in extreme poverty. A hungry man is an angry man. Fix the country and crime will go away, don’t blame Nollywood.

“Frustrated people use sniper to commit suicide, the remedy is to fix the reason for the frustration not ban sniper.”

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