10 Healthy Ways To Cope With Stress

Stress is inevitable for humans as it can be an offshoot of different things from work to relationship with people.

There are many mechanisms to cope with stress so as to forestall an adverse toll on the health.

Below are 10 healthy ways to cope with stress:

Go for a walk

New research has found that taking more steps each day could help you live longer. You don’t need to commit to lengthy strolls every day to improve your health. More daily steps has been linked to a range of health benefits, like better heart health, improved sleep quality, and more positive mental health.

Spend time in nature

Studies have shown that spending time in nature is an antidote for stress as it can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, reduce nervous system arousal, enhance immune system function, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.

Sweat out tension with a good workout
Sweating helps cool down the body. Water is released through glands in the skin, evaporates off the skin and the body is cooled. During exercise, muscles heat up more, so more sweat is needed.

Write in your journal

Journaling can reduce stress by serving as an escape or emotional release of negative thoughts and feelings.

Take a long bath

Submergence in water can reduce pain and inflammation and also calm the nervous system, reducing the levels of stress and anxiety in the body and improving your mood.

Savour a warm cup of coffee or tea
Some studies have identified that drinking coffee or tea can potentially reduce emotional and physical stress. Coffee’s effect on brain chemistry not only keeps us alert but it can also affect neurotransmitters in the brain to help you fight off symptoms of stress.

Play with a pet

Interacting with animals has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol (a stress-related hormone) and lower blood pressure. Other studies have found that animals can reduce loneliness, increase feelings of social support, and boost your mood.

Get a massage

Massage helps to decrease stress by lowering the heart rate, relaxing muscles and releasing endorphins. Massage increases temperature in the body and promotes relaxation. When the body relaxes, heart rate is reduced.


Listen to music

Faster music can make you feel more alert and concentrate better. Upbeat music can make you feel more optimistic and positive about life. A slower tempo can quiet your mind and relax your muscles, making you feel soothed while releasing the stress of the day. Music is effective for relaxation and stress management.

Watch a comedy

Comedy triggers laughter. Laughter is strong medicine drawing people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Comedy lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.

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