4 Foods That Can Harm Your Vaginal Health

As a lady, keeping your vaginal in good health should be your top priority because vaginal odor could lead to alot of disgrace.

So, there are certain foods you should reduce intake of if you truly want to keep your body and organs safe. So, every woman should watch her diet at all times and also learn to eat nutritious foods more often.

Here Are 4 Foods That Can Harm Your Vaginal Health.
* Onions: In most cases, eating or cutting onions leads to an awful smell that is very difficult to wash out and it isn’t just your breathe that smells after eating onions.
Any food that has a great impact on your breath could likely lead to vaginal odor too. Particularly, onions changes the bacteria flora down there, which can lead to an unusual odor.

* Sugary Stuffs: Eating delicious dessert or sugary drinks certainly doesn’t do you or your vaginal health any good because it can lead to a certain odor.
In some cases, sugar stuffs affect your vaginal because yeast loves sugar, so the more you eat, the more likely you are to develop an infection. So, try to avoid them.

* Coffee: This is just like eating onions because drinking a warm cup of coffee can leave you with smelly breathe and vaginal odor.
And also, drinking coffee often can actually increase your risk of suffering yeast Infection. But, caffeine may limit your body’s candida-fighting capability.

* Refined Carbs: Some of these refined carbs can lead to vaginal odor like pasta or noodles. Too much of anything has some side effects on your body, so try as much as possible to take things at a moderate quantity in other to keep your body in good health.

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