6 Early Signs Of Baldness You Must Not Ignore

The journey towards a bald head often begins with subtle signs that many people may overlook.

Styling challenges

Difficulty in styling your hair as you used to may indicate changes in hair density. If you find it challenging to achieve the same hairstyles or notice less volume, it could be an early sign that you are going bald.

Increased sensibility

If the scalp becomes more sensitive or painful, it could be a sign of hair follicles weakening. This sensitivity may be accompanied by itching or discomfort.


Slower hair growth

Reduced hair growth rate is often an early symptom. If you observe that your hair is taking longer to grow or doesn’t seem to grow as much as it used to, it may be a cause for concern.

Change in hair texture

Noticeable changes in the texture of the hair, such as finer or more brittle strands, can be an early sign that you may be going bald.

Increased hair shedding

One of the initial signs of impending baldness is an increase in hair shedding during everyday activities, such as brushing or showering. If you notice more hair in your comb or on the shower floor than usual, it may be an early warning.

Receding hairline

A receding hairline, particularly in men, is a classic early sign of male pattern baldness. Pay attention to changes in the shape and position of your hairline, especially around the temples and forehead.

Visible scalp

When the scalp becomes more visible through the hair, it’s often a sign of hair thinning. This can be observed when hair is wet or styled in certain ways

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