Auchi Poly Rector Honoured With WASUP Pan-Africa Exemplary Leadership Award

Today, I received the award of “Pan Africa Exemplary Leadership Honour” from the West Africa Students Union Parliament (WASUP). It is a great honour for me to receive this special award and today remains an incredible day in my life. I want to appreciate the members of WASUP for choosing me and by extension, Auchi Polytechnic for this honour. This award is coming at a time we are repositioning our institution as the destination point for academic excellence and vocational training.

Recall the West Africa Students Union Parliament is the umbrella body for students unions in West Africa region with core objectives of encouraging cooperation and harmonious coexistence among member states students for the purpose of students exchange programmes that will enhance and transform good leadership of West Africa ensuring conformity with national challenges facing leadership ethics and democracy in the 21st century through various mediums such as organising leadership conferences, seminars, workshops and campaigns against drug abuse etc.

I appreciate the Speaker of WASUP RT. Hon. Saint Solomon (University of Legon, Ghana), the Majority Leader RT. Hon. Epa Pablo (University D Coco Di Abidjan Ivory Coast) the Nigerian Representative Engr. Yusuf Hassan Abdulqsit (FUT Minna), Hon. Brenda Ruth (Universitie De Duala, Cameroun) and the entire parliament for this great honour and appreciating our modest contributions. It remains an encouragement for us to work harder and make our society a better place.

-Auchi Polytechnic Rector


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