Beauty Yips On How To Grow Healthy Eyelashes

If your eyelashes have been neglected, it’s time to turn over a new leaf.

“If the eyes are the windows to our souls, then we surely want to make sure we’re taking care of the curtains (aka our eyelashes),” someone once wonderfully said.

Isn’t it wonderful to have long, healthy lashes without the need for mascara or lash extensions? Unfortunately, not everyone is born with this ability. However, taking proper care of your lashes, which many women overlook, might reward you with the look of your dreams. Here are some helpful hints from Ibiene to help you give your lashes the attention they deserve.

Before going to bed, always remove your make-up:

Never put on make-up before going to bed! It is the most important rule to follow when caring for your lashes and skin in general. This has most likely happened to any woman who comes home exhausted from a hard day and goes to bed without even washing her face. Starting today, remember that your face, especially your lashes, requires some “rest” at night, just like you.

Use eye make-up remover solutions that are specifically designed for the eyes:

It is highly recommended that you use special products created exclusively for the eye area to remove make-up from your eye area. A regular make-up remover may not be able to remove all of the mascara. Also, when removing your make-up, be careful not to massage your eyes excessively, especially if you’re trying to remove your mascara. Lashes are generally lost as a result of this.

Oil them up: If you still believe that oil is solely for your hair and body, think again. Apply a few drops of lanolin oil on the lashes of your eyes. This all-natural treatment will moisturize your lashes throughout the day without making them greasy, and will eventually make them fuller.

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