“Boil Bananas For 10 Minutes And Drink The Water Before Going To Bed.”

Banana tea contains muscle relaxants like tryptophan, serotonin, and dopamine, which help in treating sleep disorders like insomnia by inducing sleep.

Tryptophan, an amino acid, generates sleep-inducing hormones like serotonin and melatonin. On another hand, the banana is the most lovable fruit when you are done with the food you can take one and eat.

Now people when this post landed on social media went deep in their thoughts and try to figure out something which is not related to this kind of information about Banana.

If you can take a look in KZN it’s the fruit that is on the market even the street vendors sell them because it’s cheap yet it’s rich in health it contains a lot of nutrients.

These 4 things are happening to yourself if you take a banana

1. You get more energy

2. Your muscles won’t cramp as often

3. You’ll suffer less from heartburn

4. Sugar

It’s really helpful to know things, medical attention is expensive you better take care while you still can

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