7 Ways You Can Naturally Improve Your Eyesight

Your eyes are precious, and taking care of them should be a priority. As we grow…

Both Men And Women Experience Wet Dreams, Here’s Why This Happens

It is completely normal and healthy to have wet dreams. If you’ve ever experienced a wet…

If You Keep Sleeping Around With Many People, These 5 Things Might Happen

  Apart from unwanted pregnancy and HIV/AIDS, there are many consequences to having multiple sexual partners.…

Concerns As HIV Prevalence Soars In Akwa Ibom

  Despite the aggressive enlightenment campaign by the government, as well as several donor agencies, the…

7 Positions That Can Help Ease Your Menstrual Cramps

Menstrual cramps are a lady’s worst enemy but can paradoxically be both a torment and a…

How To Neutralize Poison With Activated Charcoal

In cases of poisoning rushing the victim to the nearest hospital is the best option. However,…

Aside From Smoking And Drinking, These Factors Could Be Damaging Your Kidneys

Several habits and lifestyle factors can have a significant impact on the health of your kidneys.…

5 Lifestyle Decisions To Control Junk Food Addiction

If you ever wondered how you become addicted to junk food despite knowing one or two…

4 Lifestyle Changes You Should Adopt To Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

The most common causes of heart disease are lifestyle practices, and when managed effectively, they can…

Breast Cancer: Who Is At Risk And How To Minimise Your Chances Of Developing It

Breast cancer isn’t a death sentence. When detected early, you increase your chances of surviving this…