Amb Terry Igiebor, a renowned philanthropist and social advocate, extends his warmest congratulations to the Muslim community in Edo State on the joyous occasion of Sallah celebration. This festive celebration marks the end of Ramadan and serves as a time of reflection, gratitude, and unity.
Terry Igiebor acknowledges the significance of Sallah and the dedication shown by Muslims during the holy month of fasting. He commends their devotion to spiritual growth, self-discipline, and acts of charity, which are hallmarks of Ramadan.
As an advocate for social change, Terry Igiebor recognizes the importance of fostering inclusivity and harmony within the diverse society of Edo State. He believes that celebrating and appreciating different cultures and religious traditions is crucial for promoting peace and understanding.
Terry Igiebor emphasizes the shared values of compassion, empathy, and kindness that unite people of different faiths. He hopes that the spirit of Sallah will inspire individuals to come together and work towards creating a more harmonious and prosperous society.
In conclusion, Terry Igiebor wishes the Muslim community a joyful and blissful Sallah celebration. He encourages all residents of Edo State to embrace the spirit of unity, love, and respect exemplified during this auspicious occasion.