Everything You Need To Know About Agency Intelligence

An Agency intelligence is a government agency that serves to collect, analyze, and exploit information related to law enforcement, national security, military, and foreign policy objectives.  The services provided by these agencies to the national government include:

  • Warn people about the impending crisis.
  • Keep theirs and the other state agencies’ sensitive information confidential.
  • Defends the efforts of other national Agency intelligence.
  • Assists national and international crisis management to discern the intentions of the current or potential opponents.

It is to keep in mind that security intelligence and foreign intelligence are both distinctive to each other. While security intelligence concerns domestic threats, foreign intelligence involves the collection of information related to political or economic activity happening globally.

Functions Of Intelligence Agency

The two broad functions of an intelligence agency include collection and analysis. Additionally, they also have other functions that include counterintelligence. Let us understand each of these functions in detail.


The collection is one of the crucial functions of an intelligence agency since it involves collecting foreign information about a person, place, event, or activities required by the government but is impossible to obtain from sources available publicly or by diplomatic contacts.

The information collection comes with various complexities. Usually, a commissioner believes that the information collected, either through humans or technology, should prevent utilizing it to collect publicly available information. Also, it is stated that the information collected should be valid or reasonably determined. Lastly, the collection of information must be weighed concerning policy interests internationally.


Like the collection, analysis is concerned with similar practices.  The Intelligence agency acquires information from all the three collection disciplines. It then integrates this information with publicly available sources and ultimately produces an “all-source” information analysis for its customers.

Since they have access to information from a vast range of publicly available sources, it is difficult to understand whether they have to deliver analysis concerning those sources when no significant sources are available on the particular subject.

Furthermore, if the analyst is well aware that the information being provided is relatively relevant to the overall analysis of the subject, is it okay to satisfy the request of the customer for an all-source analysis?

However, it is believed that intelligence agencies should not satisfy the request for analysis when such analysis could be readily available publicly. It is also believed that general intelligence agencies should not accept requests for analysis when it is mentioned earlier only that information available for intelligence resources can have a marginal impact on specific resources. They can accept the request if they consider it as a necessity for managing requests as an intelligence matter.


The counterintelligence function protects the country as well as intelligence agencies from the activities of foreign exchange services. It has gone through significant changes over the last two years. It is because this function is very crucial to the success of the entire enterprise. It not only focuses on protecting sensitive information but also provides equal efforts to manipulate the information collected and analyzed via agents or other means. It requires people that are broad-minded and who are willing to balance the conclusion to obtain from the intelligence with the possibility of deliberate deception by a target.

Types Of Agency Intelligence

Types of agency intelligence vary from country to country. Thus, the agency intelligence available are:

Political Intelligence

Among various types of intelligence, political intelligence is the most reliable and sought-after type of agency intelligence. Since it is relatively difficult to predict the impact of the political forces in a foreign country, analysts have to make forecasts based on the political trends and patterns. The data that is beneficial for political intelligence include voting trends, details about the parties and leaders, and many more.

Military Intelligence

The information for military intelligence is acquired by military attaches who have formal diplomatic status, however, are known primarily for their intelligence. The most reliable information an agency can obtain is from the space satellite. It provides information about the composition of military units and weapons and has the ability to keep track of their movements. They are specifically designed for monitoring the country’s production of missiles and weapons that can be the reason for mass destruction.

Furthermore, it comprises its most valuable kinds that include military organizations and equipment, number of units and personnel, and procedures and formation.

Thus, it acts as the source to protect and balance the country from unexpected circumstances.

Terra Wilder, Senior Editor at DigitalMediahub


Terra wilder, 27-year-old young blogger and writer with strong passion. I would say it is more accurate to say that I live a normal life along with all the usual stresses that come with life and running a business. But. no matter how messy my hair is, or how much falling apart I seem to be doing at the moment, I love it all.

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