Fake Miracles: Odumeje Challenges Unbelievers

Controversial Prophet Odumeje has challenged naysayers and unbelievers to put his Mira Lea to test.

This is coming on the heels of the trending documentary by BBC alleging that the miracles performed by the late TB Joshua were all fake.

According Odumeje in a recent video, he said that his miracle are not fake and anyone who is in doubt can come to him for proof.

He opined that he has been bestowed with the power from the supreme God to destroy agents of darkness who are threats to the church.

Odumeje reminded people of his various aliases such as being the War, the Fight and the Finisher.


Here are some reactions to Odumeje’s claims:

donny_gbp_fx said: “This gives me a wrestling vibe ….Read your bible and pray your God he will answer u .”

kay_savage00 remarked: “What did you do when government are demolished your church?”

fameyuie said: “E belike intro for wrestle mania 😭😂”

officialosahon asked: “How did he become a pastor when he can not read none interpret the Bible?”

olatunjiokomi commented: “We are nothing but a pencil in the hands of the creator . We are sands , we are nothing . I don’t like this hype at all. Preach and move on”

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