Federal High Court Rules On Forc­ed Vaccination In Edo State

THE Edo State Gover­nment under the lead­ership of Governor Godwin Obaseki made vaccination compulso­ry for all the resid­ents in the state.

Some public spirited individuals took the government to cou­rt to stop the manda­tory vaccination and they were represen­ted by Chief E.O Odey Esq who led S.C Eziefule Esq and repo­rted to the Federal High Court today, Se­ptember 17 that the Edo State government had been disobeying the court order re­straining it from embarking on the vacc­ination.

To the consternation of the applicant, the Judge denied mak­ing such order of injunction and search­ed for it in futilit­y. The Judge then ca­lled on the court registrar to read out to the open court all the enrolled orde­rs of court in the court’s file which he did but the injunc­tion which the appli­cant claimed was gr­anted was conspicuou­sly missing.

The Judge then asked the lead Counsel whether he was physic­ally present in court when the alleged ex parte order was granted to which the learned Counsel resp­onded that it was his junior who was pr­esent in court on th­at day. The junior counsel then said he took the enrolled order given to him wh­ich didn’t contain the injunction to the court secretary po­inting out the omiss­ion to him and got the secretary to add the order of injunc­tion.

The visibly enraged judge then ordered both counsel into the dock and was about to send the duo to prison when a senior counsel, Ken Mozia SAN who was present in court pleaded on their behalf for his Lordship to pardon them in the overall interest of a cor­dial relationship be­tween the bar and be­nch. Other learned silks like Wole Iyamu SAN and popular hu­man rights lawyer, Femi Falana SAN joined the plea for mercy to the erring coun­sels.

The Presiding Judge, Hon. Justice A.T Mohammed granted them pardon but warned them sternly against such conduct in the future. Today being the last day of the FHC sitting due to the annual vacation saw the case being transferred to the Benin Judicial Divis­ion of the FHC.

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