How Primary Health Centres Collapse Over LGs Inability To Recruit Nurses

A sizable number of primary health centres across the various local governments in the country face extinction due to the failure of government at the grassroots to recruit nurses.

Findings by DAILY POST confirmed that many of the health centres in rural communities are no longer functioning as there are no trained personnel to man them.

In some places, the health centres, with some arrangements of the local government and community leaders, are being manned by the so-called auxiliary nurses or nurses employed as casual staff, who are only doing the little they could to make less quality health care available to the people.

Our correspondent confirmed that the problem is highly prevalent in many rural communities.

This is also because the few nurses and community health workers that are available in many local governments are not ready to work in villages where there are no basic amenities. As a result, they seek transfer from remote areas to places where they would have access to good roads, electricity, telecom networks and others.

The condition has turned out to mount pressure on secondary and tertiary health institutions in the country.

It is also the cause of many preventable infant and maternal mortalities, as pregnant women resort to traditional birth attendants.

Madoga is a community in Ifonyintedo Ward, Ipokia Local Government Area of Ogun State. The sleepy community lies at the boundary between Nigeria and Benin Republic.

Some residents of the area share dual citizenship because of their proximity to the neighbouring country, which made it almost impossible to identify the demarcation between the two countries.

As an agrarian settlement, residents of Madoga are primarily farmers and traders, struggling to make ends meet.

When our correspondent visited the village, residents complained of no government presence in their area, except a primary school with dilapidating structures

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