A lady has cried out on social media over her 27-year-old cousin who sells food for a living, despite being very dirty.
According to her, she never knew what dirtiness meant until her cousin, who’s an orphan, started living with them.
She narrated;
“I thought I knew what dirtiness was until my cousin started living with us. We gave her a room, a roof over her head until she finds her bearing.
She’s an orphan, almost going to 28 years, and sells food on Sundays for cash.
But, looking at her, she’s the replica of the word ‘unappealing.’
Her hair is always shabby, dirty, and she never attempts to even braid it to keep it in order. Black is beautiful, but hers comes in brown patches and acne.
She doesn’t even care.
We have a water closet, and she’s ready to keep popping without an attempt to flush. The last time I traveled and left the home for a week, the toilet was beyond what I could comprehend.
To the point I had to do renovation, repainted the wall, and had to hire a cleaner to help wash the toilet thoroughly.
I couldn’t risk catching a disease doing it myself. That was how bad it was.
After doing all these, she stopped using the toilet, but would prefer to poop in the compound with a black nylon at night.
Sometimes, she even forget to throw them away. I woke up very early in the morning. Saw her bucket and wanted to use it, what I saw changed my day.
I saw her faeces, and since then I vowed never to touched a bucket that isn’t mine.
Aside from her protruding stomach which she does little to hide, the wrapper she wears every evening have never seen water in months.
Women are supposed to be conscious of their unclothedness, but not this cousin of mine.
She can avoid all the bathrooms, and choose to bathe outside in the open at night.
Like, around 8 to 9 pm when everyone is still very much awake.
Sometimes children will bump in on her unintentionally, and the kid will run away traumatized by what he or she have seen.
I dare not go into details to recount how she prepares the food she sells, and how dirty her coolers and kitchen utensils can swim with maggots for 6 days before she finally washes them on Saturday and prepares food on Sunday for her esteemed customers.
She’s not beautiful facially, nor wear makeup or earrings since it’s against her belief.
Doesn’t wear clothes that suit her. If she dresses like an mbeke, that wouldn’t be a problem. I just don’t understand her dressing at all, coupled with her dirty look.
When it comes to religion, hers is the worse, jumping from one church to the other. And worse, we hardly sleep at midnight.
She is always in battle with demons, with her speaking of tongues that don’t just sound ridiculous, but deafening and irritating.
She’s just 28, and I doubt if any man has ever stopped her on the road, and I still suspect she have never laid with a man before.
She’s not mentally unstable if that is what most of you might think.
She’s lively, knows how to joke and hold conversations like we all do. But when it comes to her body, grooming, overall cleaningness, she’s zero.
There are grades of dirtiness, but when it comes to a stage where someone now dines and wines with feces, then there is a problem somewhere.
She’s shapeless and doesn’t want to do anything about it despite my numerous advise. She eats junk, like.
She runs to the backyard, gets some vegetables and fry it up with some concoctions and food is ready.
I know all their foods, and the things she cooks is nothing less than a concoction. I’ve eat her food once and my stomach testified.
A thoroughly analysis of her personality fascinates me to some extent. Is this her personality? Something that is genetically engineered into her that she has no control over. Can she change? Do you think I can help her, how?”