My good people of Edo state, many of us look forward to this festive season as a time to travel, share gifts, spend quality time with family, friends, and the less privileged. We also take time to attend carol services and other social events, and in the process, we generally relive the good moments of the year. In whatever circumstances we find ourselves, the season avails us of the chance to come together to rejoice and set aside our differences.
However, the principal significance of Christmas is that Christ was born to reconcile the world to Himself in order to save it from sin. At the heart of the story is the care and love that He provides so that we can live in peace, joy, fulfillment, healing and faith. Likewise, it kindles great expectations in the heart, irrespective of the challenges of the moment. Whether you are Benin, Esan, Afemai, Etsako, Owan, or any other tribe, this message speaks to us all. It speaks to us as human beings to care for one another, to look out for one another and to love one another regardless of our faith.
While celebrating, we must remember too that so many people struggle at Christmas. It can be a time of great pain and terrible loneliness. If not told, we can never know what someone else is going through, what they are struggling with, and what they are trying to overcome. This is why sometimes, the smallest act of kindness can mean so much. A simple smile; a hug; an unexpected phone call; an unscheduled visit and many others can be the catalyst that uplifts a spirit, the shoulder for another to lean on, that friendly voice when no one else seems to care, and perhaps the miracle that saves a life. In this season, many deserve our fervent goodwill and sustained prayers.
By the same token, let us devote some time to pray for the prosperity of our beloved state. I am deeply convinced that better days lie ahead of us. As we approach the new year, let us join hands as a people and make this occasion a spectacular one by being circumspect and pledging our common resolve to prepare the state for a new and better age. Let us refuse to be so sharply divided, that we can no longer see ourselves as fellow Edos. For as tough as these times are, if we look a little closer, we will see bright spots in every corner of our dear state: the strength, the passion, the determination, the resilience that has long defined Edo.
My wife and I are grateful for the invaluable support and prayers you have showered on us over the years. We send our warmest wishes to you and admonish you to draw inspiration from the exemplary lifestyle and teachings of Jesus Christ, who constantly stood for what is right, true and just. We wish every Edo family the peace, joy, good health, and happiness that Christmas is renowned for.
Merry Christmas!
God bless you, and may He bless the heart beat of the nation. Amen.
Pastor and Prof. Mrs Osagie Ize-Iyamu