Labour Party Makes U-turn, Dissociates Self From Alleged Interim Government Plot

The Labour Party, LP has said it is not part of any insurrection or interim government plan.

This is according to the opposition party’s spokesman, Yunusa Tanko, during an interview on Channels Television, Thursday.

The party Chieftain clarified that the party is not involved in the purported plot to foist an interim government on Nigerians.

Earlier, DAILY POST had reported that the Department of State Security, DSS confirmed a plot to scuttle Nigeria’s democratic process.

However, in reaction to DSS’s revelation, Tanko said the LP would continue to stand by the provisions of the Nigerian constitution to protect Nigerians.

“We are not part of any insurrection plans whatsoever.

“But what I am saying is that we would protect the interest of Nigerian people based on the provisions of the law, which provides that where you are hurting, you have the right to protest and that you would do so with the defence and protection of the Nigerian security apparatus. That is what we would do, but we would not support any insurrection in any way.

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