No Plans To Dump PDP – Anakwenze

Former presidential aspirant of the Peoples Democratic Party, Nwachukwu Anakwenze, has clarified that he is not leaving the PDP for any political party in the country.

The southeast chieftain was speaking against the backdrop of a trending online report, purporting his alleged plan and concluded talks with notable southeast leaders of one of the major dominant parties in the country to jump ship.

Anakwenze, on Monday, regretted the “undemocratic resort to falsehoods, cheap propaganda and blackmail by unscrupulous individuals” pollinating the nation’s political scene in their inordinate quests for power and personal aggrandisements.

According to him, “All these are propagated by detractors and enemies of true democracy. Why should I leave a party I have made huge contributions to ensure its democratic and political developments? Why will I dump a party built on true democratic ideologies and principles, despite a few discrepancies and shortcomings of disgruntled party members who are bent on destroying monumental strides recorded in her development?

“I have no plan to leave the PDP for another party.”

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